High School Portfolio Website


I read the following classics of Dutch literature from the Middle Ages until 1910:
- Beatrijs; Middle Ages
- Gijsbrecht van Amstel by Joost van den Vondel; 17th century
- Uren dagen maanden jaren, Rhijnvis Feith (Romanticism)
- Max Havelaar, by Multatuli
- De stille kracht, by Louis Couperus
I also wrote a short story in Dutch.

For help with the analysis I used the book Literama by K.J. van der Kerk and H.A. Poolland
This helped me to better understand the literary background.
Also I researched the history of the authors for more context.

I have uploaded a voice recording where I talked in Dutch about my time with Clonlara below. Please choose the one that is suitable for your computer or smartphone.

Dutch for regular appliances
Neue Aufnahme 299.mp3 (3.05MB)
Dutch for regular appliances
Neue Aufnahme 299.mp3 (3.05MB)

Dutch for Apple appliances
Neue Aufnahme 299.m4a (1.67MB)
Dutch for Apple appliances
Neue Aufnahme 299.m4a (1.67MB)