For German, I followed the curriculum leading to the Dutch state AP (VWO) examinations for German Language and Literature, which included writing an essay, comprehensive reading exercises and an oral exam with a presentation, a discussion of a current topic and a review of my knowledge of German literature and literary history.
The subject of my presentation was "Rostock" and I had to make a poster for that with imagery, but with a maximum of 8 words, to illustrate my presentation.
I was well prepared and attained a very high mark on my exam. Considering that I was only 16 years old when I took it, I am quite proud of this achievement.
Some of the books I read and analyzed for the exam included:
- Nibelungenlied, a medieval narrative poem, author unknown
- Til Eulenspiegel, author unknown
- Die Räuber, Friedrich Schiller
- Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Nackt unter Wölfen, Bruno Apitz
- Das Parfum, Patrick Süßkind