High School Portfolio Website

Chemistry with Lab

I used the book Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments, All Lab, No Lecture. Highly recommended!

I just followed the book for this course.

For the experiments, I had help from my mentor and I could do many of the experiments myself.

Did you know for example, that you can make something like napalm when you pour gasoline on styrofoam? Well I didn't but I do now. And be careful if you try it, because gasoline is explosive.

I actually tried it - not in the house mind you - and the resulting substance was used in our fire pit in the back garden. It didn't smell too great though. But it made a good fire starter, because it always takes time for the bit logs to start burning, so for that it probably could be used. It was a bit of a hassle, but an interesting experience. Here is a photo of the resulting fire and that is my leg right there in the right upper corner.